version 0.92 log

– Fixed solve image captchas node action
– Fixed a bug with the execute task
– Fixed a bug with {-system.CurrentPath-} always returning macrosengine path
– Fixed an issue with web browser Break Captcha
– Fixed an issue with Edit Dictionary field not visible
– Added Webbrowser element to image node action
– Added Remove List From List node action

What Changed in this version :

We didn’t add many new features in this version, we mainly focused on fixing a few critical issues in the execution of the tasks, and a few more minor issues.

What the next version might have:

We will continue fixing issues, as that will be the main focus, we will also focus on adding needed nodes actions and macros functions required to create functional automation software, like saving a table variable to a file etc …

We may also add few more editor tools and include the bitcoin tools plugin (still has bugs).

To your success,
