New Features


Datasets are a new variable type added to MacrosEngine, read about it in the wiki page here

LiteDB Addon

LiteDB addon is a new database management addon for MacrosEngine, read about it in the wiki page here

Advanced Macros Variables

The Advanced macros variable is a new feature added to MacrosEngine, read about it in the wiki here

Regex groups parser command

This will output a dataset variable! It will give you a list of matches (including the groups of matches for each match). You can either rename the groups (to dataset keys names) by using : index => name
or you can leave it empty for it to be auto renamed to group_0, group_1 etc…


We added two new commands to the webbrowser commands list , click link by text and click link by partial text. We also imrpoved the way MacrosEngine fetches and saves data to variables. This will speed up projects and bots, especially if you have big project files.

Read The Complete update log here