== 0.99.8 == 

-improved webbrowser solve captcha image for both chrome and firefox
-added tasks auto saving by default
-Fixed a small issue with project loading
-added alpha sorting to task actions (either Ascending (A to Z) or Descending (Z to A))
-Added General Settings dialog(to change default sorting, and auto-saving options)
-Added Projects auto-saving option in general settings
-Updated Selenium webdriver to use the latest version(will fix issues related to chrome driver not able to launch the latest chrome version!)
-Discontinued using PhnatomJS as a browser (PhantomJS will be removed from the list of browsers due to the lack of support and updates from its creators)
-Fixed a bug where project file size keeps increasing with every save(issue where files kept being appended to the project instead of being replaced!)
-Added option to use list variables as text variables
-Fixed issue where variables editor not deleting variables
-Added Delete DataGrid Row
-Removed the alert box from Threaded loop