shortcodes test

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 Macrosengine is becoming a great and flexible automation framework that allows me to create lightweight, fast and reliable apps and bots to automate all sorts of online tasks. Aymen is an awesome developer, have many of his other products and am very satisfied with them…. 
Peter Larsen
 An all-in-one solution to building professional software. With a simple but powerful interface, I've managed to build software tools fast while simplifying my business tasks and increasing my productivity. I highly recommend Macrosengine as my go to software suite for both small and larger projects. 
Kris Phelps
 MacrosEngine puts the customer first. With a built in GUI editor, you’re no longer bogged down by heavy HTML based UIs, and external UI editors. You can compile your applications. MacrosEngine is all someone could need for rapid application development. 
Rob Maggs
 Macros engine is the hottest new automation tool on the block, if you, like me know the importance of automating your online activities, then you need this without a doubt and at the beta price it’s a total no-brainer. 
Robin Fraser
 I have found Aymens MacrosEngine software to be so user friendly, and constantly being updated compared to other similar products currently available on the market today. 
 MacrosEngine has allowed me to free up hours of time during my week. Those little distracting tasks that pull me out of focus are all now handled automatically because of this great software! Dev has been incredibly responsive to feature requests and bug fixes.